Choose: Will AI Take Over the World? Audiobook just released! Available on Google Play here
M. Pentz Author
M. Pentz is a visionary author, artist, and entrepreneur, whose multifaceted career spans across the realms of technology, fashion, and social impact. As a founder and designer, they have demonstrated a profound commitment to innovation, sustainability, and positive change. Their debut book, "Choose: Will AI Take Over the World?" reflects a deep-seated curiosity and expertise in the intersection of artificial intelligence and human experience. Their journey as an author and thought leader is marked by a passion for exploring the uncharted territories of technology, blending it with a keen artistic sense to inspire and educate.
Living in San Francisco, California, M. Pentz continues to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. They are not just an author but a beacon of inspiration in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. M. Pentz's work, characterized by a unique blend of artistic flair and technical acumen, invites readers and audiences to envision a future shaped by conscious design and ethical technology.
Introducing my novel Choose: Will AI Take Over the World? Use the link here to purchase.
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